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    The computer program Eden (short for Electron density) is based on a real-space method for crystallography. The origin of the method came from the analogy between holography and the problem of recovering the electron density of molecular constituents of a crystal. It reins in the techniques of image processing to aid in the search for a crystal structure. The most unconventional feature of the holographic method is that it is a real-space method: it searches for a distribution of electrons in the unit cell that meets all the known constraints on the molecules themselves, while giving rise to the observed diffraction pattern.


    v. 5.3


    OSX, Linux, Irix, Tru64

Documentation, Other Resources


    Szoke, A. (1993). Holographic Methods in X-ray Crystallography .II. Detailed Theory and Connection to Other Methods of Crystallography. Acta Cryst. A49, 853-866.

    Szoke, A. (1998). Use of Statistical Information in X-ray Crystallography with Applications to the Holographic Method. Acta Cryst. A54, 543-562.

Last modified: 05/21/05