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    PARVATI (Protein Anisotropic Refinement Validation and Analysis Tool)is a validation/analysis tool for macromolecular structure refinements that include anisotropic displacement parameters (ADPs). It performs an analysis of the distribution of anisotropy among protein, solvent, and any other atoms described in the PDB file. Normally this means proteins refined at atomic or near-atomic resolution.

Documentation, Other Resources


    EA Merritt & DJ Bacon, (1997) "Raster3D Photorealistic Molecular Graphics". Methods in Enzymology 277, 505-524.

    KN Trueblood et al (1996). "Atomic Displacement Parameter Nomenclature, report of a subcommittee on atomic displacement parameter nomenclature". Acta Crystallographica A52, 770-781.

Last modified: 12/27/06